Download Crew

The world's most powerful checking account

Organize your money, automate your budget, and watch your money grow faster
Download Crew
Crew is a financial technology company, not a bank.

Banking services provided by Bangor Savings Bank, Member FDIC.
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Divide and Conquer

Organize your money
Create pockets for your major budget categories. Start simple with a bill pocket and a savings pocket.
Split your paycheck
Automatically divide your paycheck across pockets.
Spend smarter
Easily change which pocket you’d like your debit card to spend out of, or update transactions after the fact.

Program your money with autopilot

Create automation rules with triggers and actions
Triggers happen when money moves (transactions, balance changes, etc.) or when scheduled (weekly/monthly)
Actions can transfer money, send notifications, or even fire a webhook
Trigger: Paycheck arrives. Actions: Split 10% to Giving, and leave the rest in Crew Checking.Trigger: Every month on the 1st. Action: Transfer $100 to Savings.Trigger: checking balance falls below $4,000. Action: Restore to $5,000 by adding from Savings.

The most powerful bank account

Recent activity across bank accounts
Interest push notificationChild card spend push notificationCruise control push notification
High-yield checking
3.7% annual percentage yield (APY) bank accounts with no minimum balance.1
FDIC insured
$500k for joint accounts and $250k for individual accounts.2
Wire transfers
Free when you have more than $50k in deposits, otherwise $20.

Built for the whole family

Joint accounts
Stay on the same page and manage your family’s finances together.
Child accounts
Real bank accounts for kids, with direct deposit support and a debit card.
Automated allowances
Help your kids develop financial literacy with an automated allowance.
Control and visibility
Stay in control with real-time notifications and spend controls.


How does Crew make money?
How can you pay so much in interest?
How are my deposits kept safe?
What do I need to apply?
Is there a minimum balance?
Can I use ATMs?
Will my card work internationally?
What if I have other questions?